Vegan Dave's Jackfruit Jambalaya Pot
Wondering how to buy Jackfruit and use it for an easy, amazing recipe? Buy it in the can from your local Asian market or health food...

Easy, Meaty, Hot & Spicy Oil-Free Black Bean Vegan Chili
There are as many ways to make chili as there are snowflakes. And, when it comes to protein, chili can't be beat for its burst of protein...

How my husband finally went vegan and why he says he is staying vegan forever...
If you've read my story, then you know I went vegan at the end of 2014 after my cancer treatments were finished. But, my husband David...

Make A Kick-Ass Vegan Power Sammie
See? Real men eat vegan sammies all the time! But seriously, what's a sandwich without meat? Well if you've never had a veggie sandwich...