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Easy, Meaty, Hot & Spicy Oil-Free Black Bean Vegan Chili

There are as many ways to make chili as there are snowflakes. And, when it comes to protein, chili can't be beat for its burst of protein from the beans at around 15 grams per 1 cup serving. My version of chili also contains Textured Vegetable Protein, otherwise known as "TVP," which is simply made only from soy flour and loaded with protein also at 12 grams per 1/4-cup dry. That's what gives this chili it's "meaty" look. But if you don't have TVP or don't want TVP, you can achieve a similar "meaty" texture by throwing in a handful of dry brown rice to the mixture (one of the options in the recipe.)

Here is my favorite way to heat up the house on a cold day.

Vegan Cooking Level: Beginner


1 large onion, chopped

6 cloves garlic, chopped

2 tbsp. tomato paste

1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes

1 3/4 cup veggie broth, plus 2 tbsp. veggie broth

1/3 cup brewed strong coffee

2 tbsp. pure maple syrup

3 cans black beans, with juice

1 can pink or pinto or kidney beans, rinsed

1 can of corn, drained (or 1.5 cups frozen, thawed)

1/3 cup chili powder

1 tsp. dried oregano

1 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

optional 1/4 cup dry brown rice


optional 1 cup reconstituted textured vegetable protein (TVP)

optional garnish: avocado, corn, red onion, tomatoes, pickled jalapenos, cooked rice

optional spices: smoked paprika, hickory salt

All in the same pot

Step 1: Saute onions and garlic in the 2 tbsps. veggie broth until golden and softened - about 5-6 minutes. Add more veg broth if the veggies are sticking.

Step 2: Add the spices and the tomato paste and stir to combine.

Step 3: Stir in the tomatoes (with the juices), veggie broth, coffee and all the beans and stir. Throw in the rice if using and stir to combine, Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, partially covered for about 45 minutes.

Step 4: If you want a thicker chili like I do, use an immersion blender in the pot and pulse gently while stirring to the consistency you want.

Step 5: Reconstitute the TVP according to package instructions, if using, and add to the soup after blending.

Just for fun: Add a last-minute hit of chili powder, chipotle powder or smoked paprika before serving to make this hotter or even serve with pickled jalapenos!

SPECIFIC InstantPot Directions:

Step 1: Put all ingredients (except textured vegetable protein, if using, which is reconstituted first and added after cooking) in the InstantPot and reduce veggie broth by 1/2 cup.

Step 2: Place the lid on with the vent in the "seal" position, press the SOUP button and walk away (or manual/pressure cook on low for 22 minutes).

Step 3: Let the InstantPot cool using the "natural release" method for 30 minutes and then push the vent handle over to the "vent" position and open the pot. Use the immersion blender at this stage, pulsing gently to thicken to the consistency you want. Add TVP after blending and serve with optional garnishes and spices.

Want to take back your health eating this way

but need help with how to do it?

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-CREATE a crystal clear vision for the healthy lifestyle you want free of the health conditions and limiting beliefs that are dragging you down

-UNCOVER hidden challenges sabotaging your health and weight loss efforts

-LEAVE this session renewed, inspired and ready to reclaim your health quickly through a whole food plant-based vegan diet and lifestyle

-Naomi :)

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